
How it works

1. Look through Design Themes and decide which Design Theme you want. You can always change colors within the Design Theme you choose. You just can't change Design Themes.

2. Click on Sign Up and Set Up Your Account

Choose Design Theme, a domain name, the billing cycle, review terms and pay.

2. Receive A Welcome Letter with a tutorial on how to access the two areas. Client and Admin Console

3. Receive A Confirmation that your account has been set up with all of your new account information details.

4. Log In to Your Client Area. You use the same name and password you used when signing up

Here you will have access to your account information, tutorials, and your support system. WATCH THE TUTORIALS

6. Login In to Your Admin Console. You use the username and password sent in your welcome letter.

Here is where you edit your website

5.Once you are logged in to your admin console, you will go “templates” under the layout tab and choose your design color. REMEMBER YOU CAN CHANGE PICTURES, MENU NAMES, and have full control over content areas!!

6. Begin adding your content Create Your Website

You just start adding your content!